Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

What Diet To Burn Fat

What Diet To Burn Fat

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  • These fat burning foods are not only delicious, but they're scientifically proven to help aid weight loss too.

    Most of us are always on the look out for ways to burn fat, with what we put into our bodies often the first area we start with. And whilst we can all make a conscious effort to limit the takeaways and treats in an effort to lose belly fat. It's also useful to know which foods to eat more of which actively burn fat and calories.

    "If you're focussing on weight loss then it's great to know that certain foods can help you reach your goals faster," says Suzie Sawyer, a clinical nutritionist. "These foods that are scientifically proven to help the body burn fat when eaten as part of a controlled eating plan."

    21 of the best fat burning foods for weight loss:

    1. Salmon

    A simple salmon dinner can help you lose weight fast, as this delicious lean fish packed with protein and omega-3s.

    " Salmon is a fantastic source of high-quality protein which is beneficial for weight and fat loss as the body must work harder to digest it," explains David Weiner, a Nutritionist and Training Specialist at AI-based fitness and lifestyle coaching app Freeletics . "In addition, salmon is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids which are shown to reduce inflammation and promote fat burning, with studies showing that fish oil supplementation can help to reduce weight and the stress hormone cortisol, which is also linked to fat storage."

    Salmon - one of the best fat burning foods

    Credit: Getty

    Indeed, one 2015 study into omega-3 found these friendly fats helped with a "reduction in abdominal fat". Whilst another study found that salmon – compared against cod and fish oil capsules – was the most effective for weight loss overall.

    There's further good news too. As one serving of salmon contains around two thirds of the nutrient selenium – which your body needs for a healthy thyroid. This is especially important, as your thyroid holds the key to an efficient metabolism.

    With this in mind, make sure to stock up on salmon on the weekly supermarket shop.

    2. Greek Yogurt

    Not only is Greek yogurt good for you and delicious. It's also scientifically proven to help burn body fat too.

    " Greek yogurt can really help with fat burning but it needs to be the full fat variety," says Suzie, a clinical nutritionist from Feel Alive UK.

    "Firstly, full fat Greek yogurt contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which promotes fat burning. And secondly, probiotics naturally found in the yogurt support the good gut bacteria which is key to any weight loss programme."

    This is important, Suzie notes, as the more overweight the person, the more imbalanced the bacteria in their gut. And it's this imbalance that makes it harder to lose fat overall.

    As for Greek Yogurt's fat-burning qualities – researchers in Journal of Nutrition study reported that the amino acids, vitamin D and calcium it contains speed ups fat burning. And this was certainly proven by one University of Tennessee study . Participants who cut calories and ate just over 500g of yogurt daily lost an incredible 81% more belly fat than their counterparts.

    Suffice to say we'll be drizzling over our granola and adding to our morning smoothies in the hopes of reaping the same rewards.

    3. Dark Chocolate

    It seems that dark chocolate is good for you , your body AND your waistline. Win-win!

    According to nutritionist David, it reduces sugar cravings, leaves you feeling full and fires up your metabolism.

    "Dark chocolate is packed with monounsaturated fatty acids which help boost your metabolism," says David. "And as a result you will burn calories faster.

    "However, when choosing dark chocolate make sure you check the ingredients as many are still packed full of sugar."

    What's more, science has shown that giving in to the evening chocolate munchies might actually work in our favour. In one 2021 study , women who ate chocolate at night (compared to those during the day) had a better metabolism and lost weight from around their middle after two weeks.

    But be warned: whilst there was evident weight loss, researchers advised against regularly overindulging in chocolate due to its overall high calorie content.

    4. Broccoli

    Our experts have given these cute tiny trees the green light as one of the best fat burning foods for weight loss.

    "Broccoli and its counterparts – like cauliflower and Brussels sprouts – are super high in fibre and nutrients that keep your body burning fat," says registered dietician Claire Muszalski of MyProtein .

    Broccoli contains calcium, which is good for both healthy joints and weight loss, according to researchers. One University of Tennessee study found that calcium in fact controls how fat is processed and stored in the body. And that the more calcium in a fat cell, the more fat that cell will burn.

    Meanwhile, Scientists at Kanazawa University in Japan delved into the science of broccoli further. And credited the chemical Sulforaphane, found in this mighty green veg, as the key to fighting flab.

    They discovered this chemical not only encourages brown fat cells to speed up your metabolism, but it also helps to beat the bloat after a particularly salty meal.

    A word to the wise though – steaming this green superfood is the best way to reap the full fat-burning effects. This is because steaming broccoli gives you the best chance of absorbing it's nutrients. And of course frying broccoli carries extra calories if seasoned and brushed with olive oil.

    5. Nuts

    Nibbling nuts on the regular has a number of nutritional benefits to our bodies, says nutritionist David.

    "Nuts, specifically almonds, are a great source of magnesium and healthy fats. These healthy fats also provide antioxidants, which both fight and repair the damage caused by inflammation," he tells us.

    Indeed, almonds in particular are something of a fat burning superfood, according to one US study . With overweight participants who enjoyed almonds as part of a low-calorie diet losing 50 percent more fat overall and around their weight compared to the other test group.

    A pot of almonds on a yellow background

    Credit: Getty

    "They're also a good source of protein, and as such they require the body to use more energy during the digestive process which can boost your metabolism and help burn more calories," he adds.

    And this was certainly the case with one European Journal of Nutrition study which find those who included nuts in their diet were at less risk of gaining weight or becoming obese.

    So far, so good. But Suzie notes that whilst peanuts may be tasty, these are not the nuts in question when discussing fat-burning foods.

    "Though nuts are really healthy, they are high in fats (although mainly healthy fats) but they do need to be eaten in moderation in order for any benefits to be noticed," she adds.

    6. Green Tea

    Glugging a mug of green tea can do wonders for your waistline. With this herbal tea hailed as on of the best fat-burning foods out there.

    "Green tea is known to be thermogenic, or a fat-burner," Suzie tells us. "It's loaded with antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which helps speed up metabolism.  Plus green tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, and research has found it to speed up metabolic rate and increase fat-burning if drunk before exercise."

    She's not wrong either, with one German study finding that the antioxidants in green tea promoted fat breakdown. Then there's the University of Birmingham study which reported that men who took a green tea extract before a workout burned 17 percent more fat than those who didn't. So be sure to sip some regularly before a gym session for maximum potential.

    Mind you, dietician Claire adds that you don't necessarily have to drink green tea to get the goodness. "This nootropic tea can be used in its beverage form or found as a supplement to support a healthy metabolism," she says.

    7. Eggs

    Starting the day off with some hearty eggs – as part of a high-protein breakfast – is great for weight loss.

    One 2010 study gave one male group an egg breakfast and the other a bagel breakfast which contained the same calories. And they found that those who enjoyed eggs in the morning ate less during the remainder of the day. Which is great news if you're making a conscious efforts to watch the calories

    Another study with a similar egg vs bagel diet found that after eight weeks, those on the egg diet lost over 30% round their waists and saw a decrease in overall body fat percentage too.

    The reason eggs are good for you and your weight loss goals? It's all down to protein says Suzie:

    "Eggs are one high-protein food that can promote fat-burning," she says. "Protein speeds up metabolic rate in any case, which can be as much as 30% after eating high quality protein. Furthermore, protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass and the more muscle you have, the more metabolically active you'll be."

    8. Avocado

    As Suzie rightly states: "With around 234 calories and 20 grams of fat per fruit, avocados would not be a natural 'go-to' when trying to burn fat and lose weight.  However, research says otherwise."

    One 2019 study found that eating an avocado daily, as part of a calorie-controlled diet, aided weight loss in participants.

    And the benefits of avocado don't stop there, with another study finding that those who ate this fat burning food for breakfast or lunch were less likely to over-eat during the rest of the day.

    Nutritionist Suzie links this to research that avocados helps stimulate leptin – our appetite suppressing hormone – which helps us feel fuller and satisfied.

    She does share a word of warning though not to combine your avocado munching with other high-fat foods.

    "If you're including avos frequently into your diet (and they are nutritional powerhouses), but you eat too much additional fat or calories from other foods, then your fat may be stubborn to shift," she adds.

    As the saying goes – little and often is the mantra to follow in this instance.

    9. Beans

    Sadly the verdict is out on our beloved Heinz baked beans. But did you know that other beans, particularly cannellini beans are a common fat-burning food?

    50 obese adults were given a white bean extract twice a day for eight weeks whilst on a low-fat diet in one 2011 study . And scientists found that those in the bean research group lost more weight and had a better control of their blood sugar levels.

    Cannellini beans are one of the best fat burning foods

    Cannellini beans are one of the best fat burning foods (Credit: Getty)

    As David explains: " White beans such as cannellini beans act as alpha amylase inhibitors, which simply means they can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates by blocking the enzymes needed for their digestion.

    "This means you do not get a high blood sugar spike after eating them, which can result in the laying down of more fat around the body."

    Add into your stews and soups or scatter over a salad to get your lean bean fix.

    10. Chicken

    Be it a breast, a thigh or a good old chicken drumstick – Chicken has earnt a spot on our fat burning foods round-up. With research showing that this popular poultry can aid weight loss.

    A study by the University of Navarra found that those who frequently ate chicken as part of a balanced diet, experienced a "significant weight reduction mainly due to the loss of fat mass".

    Dietician Claire explains that this is due to chicken's high protein nature:

    "Lean protein sources, like chicken, actually take more energy (or calories) to digest than simple carbs do," she tells us.  "Eating lean protein also protects your muscle mass when you're in a calorie deficit, and lean mass burns more calories than fat."

    Another study found that chicken is also effective in making us feel full after a meal. As the amino acids in it makes our brains recognise that we are full afterwards.

    Just of course be aware that sadly deep fried chicken does not carry the same nutritional benefits. And is best avoided or eaten as a rare treat.

    11. Blueberries

    Not only do they count as one of your five-a-day portions . Blueberries are brilliant for burning fat – especially belly fat.

    One animal study on rats found that those who ate a diet rich in blueberries lost abdominal fat. And saw other health benefits like low cholesterol and improved glucose levels.

    "Blueberries, and other berries, have a high water content and are lower in sugar than other fruits without sacrificing sweetness," says dietician Claire. "Their high antioxidant content helps keep you healthy, too."

    12. Whole grains

    Adding a host of hearty whole grains to your diet can help aid fat loss in the future. Think healthy bulgur wheat , quinoa, brown rice, a bowl of beneficial oats and whole grain breads and cereals.

    "Whole grains such as oats and quinoa are high in fibre, which can enhance weight loss, digestion, and blood sugar levels," says nutritionist David. "Eating whole grains has also shown to reduce appetite and influence your body's energy use, both of which can affect body composition."

    Indeed science agrees, with one study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finding that a research group who added whole grains to their diet lost more body fat than those who continued eating refined grains. The same group also boasted a significantly loss in belly fat too.

    Then there's a 2017 study that found whole grains can help speed up your metabolism and increase calorie loss. And the reasoning behind this is that when digested, less calories from whole grains are retained overall. Porridge for breakfast and quinoa on your salad anyone?

    13. Chia seeds

    Dietician Claire swears by chia seeds as one of the best fat-burning foods out there.

    "Small but mighty, chia seeds have many benefits – many of which are thanks to their protein and fibre content," she tells us. "They can turn liquids into thicker substances – think chia pudding or adding into your oatmeal. And they provide minerals and vitamins to support the conversion of fat to energy."

    One 2017 study found that the fibre and low-carbohydrate content of chia seeds was responsible for people feeling fuller for longer. Whilst another study in the same year, recorded that overweight adults who ate 30g of chia seeds daily for six months lost weight around their middles and body overall. Now that's a result worth emulating.

    14. Chillies

    Did you know that you can burn fat by eating spicy foods like chillis and peppers?

    Nutritionist David notes that a little heat can go a long way to aiding your weight loss goals:

    " Chillies can help to stimulate the metabolism, having a thermogenic effect which speeds up the metabolism and the rate at which your body uses energy," he says.

    Thermogenesis works by raising our body temperature, and people may find they burn more calories during this process just by being warm.

    3 chillies (one of the best fat burning foods) on a blue background

    Credit: Getty

    Indeed, a 2019 study credited chilli as one fat burning food that facilitates weight loss. It found that the active substance capsaicin in chilli aids thermogenesis and improves insulin levels in the body. Whilst in one Canadian study, researchers reported that men who ate spicy appetisers consumed 200 less calories than those who chose a non-spicy option. Spicy chicken wings or spring rolls anyone?

    You can additionally reap the fat burning rewards of chilli without eating it.

    "You can use chilli directly on the skin in the form of a good quality chilli oil, this can help increase circulation and reduce cellulite and increase fat burning," adds David. "But if you are applying chilli oil to the skin, do so very carefully, avoiding cracked skin, crevices and the eyes."

    15. Cinnamon

    You may be curious as to why we've included cinnamon as one of our fat burning foods. But it turns out that this spice has more than one special role in weight gain prevention.

    Scientists at the University of Michigan found that cinnamaldehyde – an essential oil present in cinnamon – can help burn fat. Much like capsaicin in chilli, this oil activates thermogenesis. This is the metabolism process where heat helpfully burns calories.

    There's further fat burning benefits too, as nutritionist Suzie points out:

    "Cinnamon has been found to help balance blood sugar levels, therefore helping stop the body store fat," she tells us. "When blood sugar levels are imbalanced, there is a constant shunting mechanism going on – with insulin working hard to remove glucose from a high sugar/carb diet and sending it to the safety (from getting it out of the bloodstream perspective) of the fat cells."

    Incorporate into your daily diet by sprinkling some on your morning porridge or adding to smoothies.

    16. Coffee

    Your morning cup of joe can really help you achieve your weight loss goals – and that's according to science.

    Coffee's caffeine content has been hailed as an effective stimulant that fires up metabolism. And indeed, one Swiss study found that after a caffeine hit, fat burning increased by 44%. Whilst a University of London study reported that one group who drank 100mg of caffeine a day burned 150 more calories as a result.

    Though the evidence looks good, dietitian Claire has some words of warning:

    "While it provides its own metabolism boost, be careful that you don't add too much sugar or fat to your coffee and counteract its energy-boosting effects," she says.

    Stick to a regular black coffee and stay clear of fattier coffee variations like flavoured lattes and Starbucks cappuccinos.

    17. Coconut Oil

    Suzie claims that the benefits of coconut oil go further than just your hair and skin – with this oil a fat burning food you NEED to know about.

    "It's all down to the medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil which are metabolised by the liver and used as an energy source rather than stored as fat," she explains.

    One 2020 study by researchers at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro stated that:  "Coconut oil appears to help in weight loss and improve metabolic parameters associated with obesity."

    This being said, there have been other studies into the oil that have found little evidence to support this.

    As Suzie clarifies: "Coconut oil has always been a consumer-driven food rather than backed by lots of research, but MCT's do appear to promote fat loss and are very useful when eaten as part of the keto diet ."

    18. Apple Cider Vinegar

    We've all heard of the Apple Cider Vinegar diet , but how exactly has it earnt a place on our fat burning foods list?

    Researchers in one animal study found that it was the acetic acid in this vinegar that was effective in burning fat from our middles.

    Then there's a 12-week study which showed that obese males who had a daily tablespoon of the stuff saw a half an inch loss from their waistlines.

    If you're eager to give this fat burning food a go, then start off small by diluting a teaspoon in water and seeing how your body responds. The taste and smell might make it one trick that doesn't appeal to everyone.

    19. Celery

    We've all heard of the celery diet trick, as dietician Claire points out:

    "Celery is the famous 'negative calorie' food – some people claim it takes more calories to digest celery than it does to eat it."

    And it turns out that science agrees in this situation – with one UK study proving exactly that.

    In Channel 4's Food Unwrapped series, researchers from University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust and the University of Warwick placed presenter Matt Tebbut in a metabolic chamber. Here they recorded the amount of calories he ingested and burned while eating celery in different forms over 12 hours.

    Two meals included raw celery and a celery smoothie – both worth 53 calories. And results showed that Matt burnt 73 calories when munching raw celery, and 112 when drinking the smoothie.

    We're on tonight's #FoodUnwrapped, with an experiment in our HMRU involving @matt_tebbutt and A LOT of celery!

    — UHCW NHS Trust (@nhsuhcw) June 13, 2016

    20. Watermelon

    Juicy and refreshing – this is one of many fat burning foods we can get on board with.

    "A sweet summer treat, watermelon's benefit is in its name – its high water content (and fibre) makes it satisfying without lots of calories," says Claire.

    And it's not just it's low calorie status that appeals to dieters. With research revealing that watermelon also aids weight loss too.

    One San Diego University study found that participants who ate watermelon daily for four weeks had "reduced body weight and blood pressure". A win-win in our eyes.

    21. Black Pepper

    Turns out that our humble black pepper seasoning on meals could actually promote fat burning in our bodies.

    Scientists in one study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry hailed black pepper as a natural treatment for fat-related disorders like obesity. And they put this down to the substance piperine, found in black pepper. Which they discovered prevents new fat cells from developing.

    There's further good news, with the same researchers finding that pepper also increased the 'bioavailability' of other nutrients. This basically means when sprinkled on meals, it draws the goodness out of the other foods, making your dish more nutritious.

    What Diet To Burn Fat



    Kamis, 09 Desember 2021

    Palermo Collection Outdoor Dining Set

    Palermo Collection Outdoor Dining Set

    The Palermo range of garden furniture uses powder coated aluminium tubes. The opulent curves create a distinctive look. The garden furniture is hand woven with a 'Storm Grey' colour 12mm wide weave and a 5mm round weave details the outer edges of the furniture. This is something normally associated with a more expensive product. All cushions have removable outer covers for easy cleaning and have double piping to the seat cushions and single piping to the backs to bring a defined look to this collection.

    Palermo is one of the ranges in the Supremo Leisure brand and they have created some beautiful and attractive sets. The following are our favourites:

    Palermo Lounge Set

    The attractive Palermo Lounge set from Supremo's range of weave garden furniture has curve appeal. This stunning, quality set will make a great addition to your garden or home as it is perfect for your outdoor space or conservatory. The Palermo lounge set consists of two deep seated Palermo lounge chairs, one deep seated Palermo lounge Sofa and a glass topped weave coffee table. The seats in the Palermo range are generously proportioned with double piping on the sumptuous seat cushions and single piping on the back cushions providing extra comfort and a defined look. The curves and detailed edges provide a look associated with more expensive weave furniture sets. The beautiful combination of petrol blue fabric cushions with the attractive storm grey weave provides a modern and contemporary look.

    The Palermo Lounge Set Includes:

    2 x Palermo Lounge Chairs W75 x D80 x H95cm
    1 x Palermo Lounge Sofa W130 x D80 x H95cm
    1 x Palermo Coffee Table W55 x D95 x H47cm

    Palermo In-Between Lounge Set

    Palermo In-Between Lounge Set

    The stylish in-between lounge set is a classic weave duo set. The set is ideal for patios, balconies and conservatories. The Palermo in-between set is the perfect furniture for relaxing and enjoying watching the world go by. The lounge chairs are generously proportioned and have double pipping on the sumptuous seat cushions and single piping on the back cushions providing extra comfort and a defined look. The curved and detailed edges on the Palermo in-between lounge set provides a look associated with more expensive weave furniture, fitting in with the rest of the Palermo range. The beautiful combination of petrol blue fabric cushions with the attractive storm grey Weave provides the Palermo in-between set with a modern and contemporary look.

    The In-Between Lounge Set includes:

    2 x Palermo Lounge Chairs D75 x L80 x H95cm
    1 x Palermo in-between Table D46 x W46 x H

    Palermo Corner Dining Set

    Palermo Corner Dining Set

    The Palermo Corner Dining Set is modular in design and is ideal for socialising with family and friends. The Palermo corner modular dining set consists of a dining table, 2 footstools and deep-seated corner sofa. The seat cushion on the Palermo corner sofa are double piped and the back cushions are single piped providing extra comfort and a defined look. The elegant combination of the sumptuous petrol blue fabric cushions and attractive storm grey weave provides a modern and contemporary look.

    The Palermo Corner Dining Set includes:

    1 x Palermo left hand Modular Sofa W140 x D80 x H95cm
    1 x Palermo right hand Modular Sofa W140 x D80 x H95cm
    1 x Palermo Modular Dining Corner unit W80 x D80 x H95cm
    2 x Palermo footstools W42 x D42 x H35cm
    1 x Palermo Modular Dining Table W100 x D100 x H68cm

    Palermo Lounge Dining Set

    Palermo Lounge Dining Set

    The Palermo Lounge Dining set provides a dual purpose as it can be used as either a modern high dining table, great for enjoying barbeques and family gatherings as there is plenty of comfortable seating. The set is also perfect if you just want to sit back, relax and enjoy a calm stress-free environment. The Palermo Lounge Dining set consists of a high dining table, 2-foot stools, a 3-seater sofa and 2 Palermo armchairs. The seats on this Palermo set are generously proportioned.

    The dimensions are as follows:

    Lounge Chairs: W75 x D80 x H95cm
    Lounge Sofa: W174 x D80 x H95cm
    Footstools: W42 x D42 x H35cm
    Lounge Dining Table: W85 x D130 x H68cm

    As you can see from our selection the Palermo range provides quality and luxury at an affordable price. All the materials used meets the UK consumers need for aspirational design and long-term durability. Combining style with substance, the Palermo range provides distinctive furniture that blends itself to your pace of life.

    Palermo Collection Outdoor Dining Set



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    Vida Living Elis Grey Faux Leather Dining Chair Pair Eli-112-GY

    Vida Living Elis Grey Faux Leather Dining Chair Pair The modern styled Elis dining chair ..

    Was £312.00 (inc. VAT) From Now £241.00 (inc. VAT) £200.83 (ex. VAT)

    In stock: available now

    Standard Delivery: 16th - 23rd December 2021

    Finance available on orders over £300

    Lavaux Oak Pair of Oak Bonded Red Leather Dining Chairs OFHSDO-43

    Lavaux Oak Furniture Bonded Red Leather Dining Chairs Pair Contemporary bonded red leather cha..

    Was £409.49 (inc. VAT) From Now £314.99 (inc. VAT) £262.49 (ex. VAT)

    In stock: available now

    Standard Delivery: 14th - 16th December 2021

    Finance available on orders over £300

    Vida Living Elis White Faux Leather Dining Chair Pair Eli-112-WH

    Vida Living Elis White Faux Leather Dining Chair Pair The modern styled Elis dining chair..

    Was £312.00 (inc. VAT) From Now £241.00 (inc. VAT) £200.83 (ex. VAT)

    In stock: available now

    Standard Delivery: 16th - 23rd December 2021

    Finance available on orders over £300

    Add a touch of style and class with our stunning range of Leather and Leather Effect Dining Chairs. With high quality chairs available in a range of colours, from rich deep brown to warm cream to vibrant red, there is a colour and style available to suit every taste.

    Leather Dining Chair FAQs

    Any other considerations to take into account when choosing a leather effect dining chair?

    Consider how often you will use it and make sure it's practical for what you need.

    Are you able to advise me on the best choice of leather effect dining chairs to suit my needs?

    Of course, contact our sales team by giving us a call or on our live chat.

    Do your leather effect dining chairs have warranty?

    All our furniture comes with a 1 year manufacturing warranty.

    How long can I expect the delivery of my leather effect dining chair to take?

    Our standard lead time is 10-20 working days, some of our bedroom furniture can often be delivered in 5-10 working days.

    How often do you update your leather effect dining chair collection?

    Every year, we add new items throughout the year.

    If so, are you able to give me care instructions for my leather effect dining chair?

    Of course, contact our sales team by giving us a call or on our live chat.

    Is it essential that my leather effect dining chair matches all my other furniture?

    There is no rule that everything must match, you may prefer a more eclectic look or have existing pieces you want to incorporate existing pieces of furniture. For example, an oak table with leather or fabric chairs is often a popular choice or a marble table with velvet and chrome chairs.

    If you are interested in a dining set, we have a huge variety of options available.

    Is there a general timeframe for your leather effect dining chair collection?

    Some ranges do get discontinued at the end of each season.

    What is the best time of year to purchase a leather effect dining chair?

    We have great deals on dining room furniture all year round. If you are planning to purchase a new chairs for Christmas, it's better to buy in early November to ensure delivery is prior to Christmas.

    Why should I purchase my leather effect dining chair from Oak Furniture House?

    We offer 0% finance and free delivery to most UK mainland addresses. We offer a 28 Day Money Back Guarantee for complete peace of mind. You can see independent reviews from our previous happy customers on Trustpilot here.

    Dark Brown Dining Chairs



    Rabu, 08 Desember 2021

    How To Size A Dining Table

    How To Size A Dining Table

    Room, Wood, Furniture, Interior design, Table, White, Wall, Chair, Home, Interior design,

    Ercol Romana sideboard, £1,100; Romana table, £1,268; Originals butterfly chair, £375, Originals all purpose chair, £280; Furniture Village

    Seat everyone in style and comfort with this guide to selecting the best dining table for your space.


    Circular tables are good for conversation and feel more inclusive, making it easier to talk not just to your immediate neighbours but everyone. Square and rectangular tables will line up neatly with other furniture and can be pushed against the wall if you need space, for a party, for example.

    Room, Lighting, Interior design, Floor, Property, Furniture, Glass, Table, Light fixture, Flooring,

    Image: Getty


    As a rule of thumb, a square table measuring 90cm x 90cm, or a 90cm diameter circular one, will seat four people snugly. For six people, a rectangular 150cm x 90cm table, or a circular 130cm diameter design will work. For eight people, allow a table of 200cm x 100cm, or 150cm diameter.

    Get the right size of table for the space. When you've found a table you like, and before you buy, check if it will work in your space. Cut and stick together sheets of newspaper to the size of your table, and lay the template on the floor to give you a sense of how it will fit. Remember you'll need around 60-90cm from the table edge to the nearest wall/piece of furniture, and if you can spare 100cm there will be even more room for people to walk behind seated diners.

    Consider tables that can be extended if you like to have a big crowd over. Gateleg tables, which have a flap or flaps that fold down, are perfect for compact rooms. Check that there's enough space when at its maximum size.

    Wood, Room, Table, Furniture, Interior design, Flowerpot, Glass, Serveware, Lavender, Hardwood,

    Image: Getty


    If your table will double as an eating and working space, you'll need one with a practical, hardwearing surface. For instance, a design with a top that can be re-oiled or painted would be better than a lacquered one.

    Wood, Room, Furniture, Table, Interior design, Floor, Flooring, Hardwood, Light fixture, Interior design,

    Melbury dining table, £999; pair of Castleton oak chairs in Natural, £349; Burleston Dresser, £629; all Homebase

    Words: Caroline Rodrigues

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    How To Size A Dining Table



    Outdoor Conversation Set With Dining Table

    Outdoor Conversation Set With Dining Table

    The Best Dining Chair Sets at Any Price Point

    Photo Courtesy: Maskot/Getty Images

    Ready to refresh your dining room's decor? Updating your space by adding a new set of dining chairs is an easy way to reinvigorate the look of the room and help your family and guests stay more comfortable in the process.

    Dining room chairs are the type of furniture that you'll use every day for years to come, so it's important to find the right ones for your needs. Not only that, but dining chairs tend to set the mood and tone of your entire dining room. When finding the best set of chairs for your space, take into consideration things like its overall style, the material it's made from, its cost and its size to be sure it'll fit into your space. Finding a set that blends all these elements ensures you'll have chairs that are ideal for your lifestyle, your wallet and your decorating sensibilities.

    Now, check out this selection of chairs that prove an upgrade doesn't necessarily have to cost a fortune. We've got a variety of dining room chairs at every price point, from amazing budget finds to high-end chairs that will last you for years — and look great doing it.

    Under $150: HomePop Parsons Geometric Dining Set or Burris Black Chairs

    Who says a great set of dining chairs has to break the bank? Not us. If you're looking for new chairs to outfit a traditional dining room, check out these HomePop Parsons Geometric Dining Chairs. They're upholstered for added comfort, and their fabric options come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. That makes it easy to find the perfect match for your space.

    Photo Courtesy: Amazon and Home Depot

    If you're going for more of a traditional or minimalist look — maybe you don't prefer the solid backs of the Parsons chairs — then a pair of these Burris Black Dining Chairs offers a great way to go. Crafted from sturdy rubberwood with a glossy black finish, these sculptural, Windsor-style dining chairs go well with a variety of styles. Whether your style is more classic or mid-century modern, they add a beautiful accent that doesn't look out of place.

    Under $200: Coavas Cushion Seats or Crown Ivory Linen Dining Chairs

    If we may say so, a full set of four dining room chairs for less than $200 is a pretty amazing deal. And you can save big when you check out these Coavas Cushion Seats. This set of sturdy padded chairs boasts wear-proof linen upholstery and metal legs with anti-scratch pads to protect your floor. Plus, they're undeniably mid-century modern in style, so they're ideal if you're looking to explore this decorating trend.

    Photo Courtesy: Amazon and Home Depot

    If you only need a pair of chairs, then these Crown Ivory Linen Dining Chairs are also available at a great value. They're made with a sturdy metal frame and designed with classy tufted linen upholstery that creates an undeniably sumptuous look. They're available in several different colors, including a variety of neutral tones that make them easy to match with your existing decor.

    Under $250: Bella Beige Upholstered Dining Chairs or Transparent Stacking Seats

    Prefer that your dining chairs make a statement? Add a substantial dose of elegance to your table with a pair of Bella Beige Upholstered Dining Chairs. These beautiful sloped armchairs are made from a solid pine wood base with fabric upholstery, complete with round tacks for added visual interest and a bit of rustic flair. The seats are also constructed with foam for maximum comfort, and the legs feature floor glides to prevent scratching.

    Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Overstock

    If you're looking for something a little more casual — and highly show-stopping — then these Transparent Stacking Seats are great backup chairs to have on hand for guests. Made from heavy-duty plastic, you can stack them for easy storage when they're not in use or use them in virtually any other room in the house. They're a nice lightweight option that couldn't be easier to clean.

    Under $300: Keyhole Back Chairs or Laurelhurst Dining Armchairs

    Give your dining room a touch of artistic flair with these modern, geometric Keyhole Back Dining Chairs. Available in a variety of colors, they're made from solid rubberwood frames topped with your choice of linen or faux leather upholstery. The uniquely designed padded backs make them both comfortable and an interesting focal point.

    Photo Courtesy: Overstock and Raymour & Flanigan

    If you'd rather go with a touch of classic Americana, take a look at the Laurelhurst Dining Armchair. This gorgeous solid red oak armchair brings an updated look to a traditional aesthetic thanks to the gently curved backs. Those curved backs also provide added comfort and support, making these chairs a beautiful addition to any traditionally decorated dining space.

    Under $500: Canary Gold and White Velvet Dining Chairs or Margarite Seats

    Want to go all-out opulent? Then feast your eyes on the luxurious Canary Gold and White Velvet Dining Chair. Made from gold-toned metal bases with curved backrests, this chair set is a great way to glam up your dining room. The chairs also boast velvet seats that are available in different colors, so they're sure to add some pizzazz to your dining space.

    Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Raymour & Flanigan

    If you're aiming for a mid-century modern look that's been updated with some 21st-century sensibilities, this pair of Margarite Chairs is also a great choice. Featuring a low backrest, foam seat cushions and tapered metal legs, they're offered in a variety of colors to match your style. Weighing in at just 14 pounds, they're also as easy to move as they are stylish.

    Over $500: Tolivere Green Velvet Dining Chairs or Brigham Seats

    If you're in the mood to pull out all the stops, then it doesn't get any classier than the Tolivere Green Velvet Dining Chair. This Art Deco-style piece features tufted velvet upholstery on a sturdy steel frame. It's an easy way to instantly add a dash of timeless swag to your dining room. Despite its definite 1930s style, this chair also harmonizes well with furniture from a variety of other time periods.

    Photo Courtesy: Home Depot and Raymour & Flanigan

    Want to get not only a full set of dining chairs but a table as well? If so, then the Brigham Dining Set has you covered. You'll get four vintage-style chairs with faux leather bucket seats and a charming walnut table to match. This is a great choice for transforming your whole dining room without having to worry about mixing and matching pieces.

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    Outdoor Conversation Set With Dining Table

